Christian Leadership is Servant Leadership
As Christ followers, we can consider love as both a command and an invitation; an exercise, a discipline, and a freeing permission. It is an essential aspect of who we are and all we do.
Aligning Roberts' purpose and mission with a people-centered focus, we will continue to make steady and sustainable progress toward a flourishing community and thriving students.
President's Cabinet
Rupert Hayles
JP Anderson
Interim Vice President for Enrollment Strategy & Marketing
Rebecca McColl
Interim Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Simao Da Silva
Vice President for Operations & Business Development
Marlene Collins-Blair
Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chief Academic Officer
Steven Morse
Vice President for Innovation & Organizational Effectiveness, Chief Financial Officer
Special Advisors
Sonnette Bascoe
Senior Advisor to the President for University Culture
Steve Bovee
Senior Advisor to the President for Strategy and Chief Strategy Officer
Academic Leadership
Academic Leadership
Marlene Collins-Blair
Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chief Academic Officer
Michele Kelly
Director of Academic Operations, Office of Academic Affairs